Our support for the professionalization of your commitments ensures that your efforts successfully contribute to the ultimate goal of gender equality, human security and inclusive, positive peace.

While the existing normative framework for the realization of gender equality, human rights, peace and security provides a clear road map to sustainable peace, the necessary steps to take on the path to peace are not the same in every context. Gender Associations works to ensure that the right set of policies, strategies, tools and mechanisms are in place and that the appropriate actors have the knowledge and skills to apply them so that these commitments are truly upheld for all members of society. 

Gender Associations provides some of the following services to realize this objective:

Academic and action-oriented analysis & research

Gender Associations employs participatory and action-oriented research and analysis to ensure that the development of any intervention, policy or programme supports the advancement of diversity and gender equality rather than exacerbates already existing inequalities. Gender-responsive conflict and context analyses, for example, provide greater insight into existing social imbalances and unequal power dynamics, which are often root causes of conflict and political unrest. In order to measure the success and effectiveness of interventions and initiatives towards peace, the dimensions of gender and diversity must be integrated into the monitoring and evaluation process.

Policy development

In order to realize commitments to international law, including the normative framework of human rights, principles of international humanitarian law, as well as the women, peace and security agenda, governments must align their own laws and policies with these principles. We support gender mainstreaming in national and local laws, policies, programmes, plans and budgets to increase implementation of gender, peace and security commitments. Our services include technical advice for national action planning processes and the development of effective monitoring and evaluation systems to guide and measure progress of their implementation.

capacity development

Social and conflict dynamics are constantly changing. Gender Associations supports ongoing transformative training and capacity development for a variety of institutions on gender and diversity issues. For example, we offer tailor-made trainings for State and non-State actors to develop knowledge and skills to include a gender and diversity perspective in peace support operations, security sector activities and peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We develop gender, peace and security training manuals and tools and deliver needs-based capacity-building programmes and trainings through interactive methodologies and audio-visual materials to support virtual and face-to-face learning experiences.


Managing results and learning from past experiences requires the collection of reliable and realistic data. Monitoring and evaluation measures are an integral part of quality assurance and continuous learning and improvements. We develop and strengthen gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation frameworks based on results-based management principles and guided by context specific theories of change. This includes support for the development and review of gender-sensitive indicators, disaggregated data and a continuous reflection on how we measure success in all initiatives. We also provide technical support for the development of monitoring and evaluation frameworks for sectoral and country specific implementation strategies such as national action plans for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

We work with governments, international organizations and
non-governmental organizations, as well as private sector companies.

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Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.


Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.